During the summer of '98 the Browns took me to King's Island in Cincinnati! What a blast! Looks like the roller coaster was pretty electrifying, doesn't it? Mrs. Brown and Bernie are in front of those two screaming demons--I'm on the left, Sarah's on the right, by the way!
Every Thanksgiving, we visit the Smiths in Cleveland, and it's fun to see how they've grown since we last saw them! Isn't Allie cute? This was November '98, so she's grown A LOT!
The Ogusses were our neighbors for lots of years before both of our families moved. Instead of living across the street, we're about 15 minutes away from each other now, but we still get together pretty often, and always have Christmas dinner together. (This picture is from one of our cookouts at their house.)
Here's a picture of Amy and me in North Carolina during the summer of '98. We have a great time at our yearly family reunion every July!
Here are some more up-to-date pictures, all from my 8th grade year ('99-2000) The
following two pictures are from a classmate's Halloween party.
In November, Mary and Alana went with me on St. Monica School's Chicago Shopping Trip. We bought a bunch of stuff and had a great time!! Here's a picture.
had some fun jr. high dances throughout the school year.
Before high school, I used to play kickball
for Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Maria Goretti Schools in the fall and
the spring. If you're looking for me, I'm in the
you'll find a picture of my winter '99-2000 volleyball team. We had a lot of fun!
coach was Lee Kane. Her husband helped out.
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