Holidays 1999,
the Smith Family!
As you can see by our Christmas
card picture (at the bottom of this page), our children have changed some
since last year.
Lauren will turn 7 a few days
after Christmas. She is in first grade and
loves school. She has
learned how to read and really enjoys chapter books
this year. She played
soccer in the spring and fall and also joined a
Brownie troop.
Caitlin underwent heart surgery
in July, and we’re happy to say, it was
quite successful!
She began kindergarten in the
fall and turned 5 on the first day of school.
She really enjoys taking
a bus to school, her teacher, her new friends,
and seeing her big sister in
the school hallways. Caitlin is in her second
year of ballet and joined Indian
Princesses with Lauren and their Dad.
Ryan turned 3 a few days before
Thanksgiving. He is as energetic as ever.
He loves Thomas the Tank and
knows the names of all his train friends. He
also loves Blue’s Clues and
went to see Blue’s Clues Live at the Palace
Theater. Ryan loves anything
on wheels .
Allison has changed the most
in the past year. She celebrated her first
birthday in May. She has
learned to crawl, walk, run, climb, and say a few
words since last Christmas.
Allie is as sweet and cheerful as ever!
Tim and Megan haven’t changed
as much as their children. Tim keeps busy at work and home.
Recently he took Lauren and Caiti camping with their Indian Princess tribe.
It rained most of the weekend, but they still had a great
time. Megan keeps busy
organizing the schedules of 4 children. Her
teaching skills are still put
to good use helping with spelling tests,
reading, and math worksheets.
Megan is also spending more time in Toledo
lately with the birth of a nephew,
Riley Ralph, to her sister, Mary.
For more pictures throughout
the year, please visit the Smith Family Web
Site at www.legalkits.com/smithfamily
Have a great holiday, and we
hope the next century is a good one for you
and yours!
This page was posted on our site on 1/2/2000.
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